
Summer Fair 2016

THANK YOU TO EVERYONE FOR THE AMAZING SUPPORT AT THIS YEAR’S SUMMER FAIR! It was a great event with a bouncy castle, assault course, face painting, hook the duck, football and lots more . It was great to see so many children and parents/carers getting involved and enjoying themselves.   WE HOPE YOU HAVE ENJOYED THE…

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Broadstairs seaside trip 2016

Oh we do like to be beside the sea side. The whole school took off for Broadstairs seaside on Friday 1st July. Although the sun was not shinning for us, the weather was just perfect for a little dip in the sea. We made sand castles, ate lots of ice cream and had lots of…

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Hispanic Day 2016

St. Mary’s celebrated Hispanic day in style with flamenco dancers, matadors, Mexican bandits and in the colours of Hispanic-speaking countries to celebrate the day. Everyone learnt how to flamenco dance, participated in workshops, got creative with drawing masks and ate lots of yummy food. ¡Olé! [gallery columns="4" ids="4509,4508,4507,4506,4505,4504,4498,4500,4501,4502,4503,4497,4496,4495,4494,4493,4492"]

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Hackney Music Festival 2016

The Round Chapel recently hosted the annual ‘Hackney Music Festival’. St Mary’s made 3 fantastic appearances alongside many other Hackney schools. The first group to attend was our Infant Choir, who remembered all the words and actions to 15 songs! They were amazingly well behaved and sang beautifully.  The Junior Choir performed the next day…

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Sports Day 2016

Congratulations to the Red House Team who were the overall winners of this year’s sports day. Everyone had a fantastic day and tried really hard. What Mrs O’Brien was most impressed with was how everyone modeled our school values of love, respect, courage, truth and hope. It was great to see class mates encouraging and…

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Year 6 Lion King Trip

On Tuesday 14th June, year 6 had the opportunity to see The Lion King at the lyceum theater in Covent Garden. All pupils had an amazing time and have been inspired by the amazing show. Year 6 will be putting on their own end of year Lion King show and will dazzle you with their…

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Author Event at St. Mary’s

On Thursday 9th June St. Mary’s pupils were visited by the multi-award-winning author, SF Said. The pupils loved learning more about all the books and were able to take inspiration from the visit back to their classes to help them with their creative journey in reading and writing. About the author:  SF Said is a multi-award-winning…

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Author Workshop

On Thursday 26th May a number of classes were invited to attend an author workshop in conjunction with Stoke Newington literacy festival. The authors did a fantastic job; very funny and engaging with the children. The reception class were visited by author Ben Bailey Smith and illustrator,  Sav Aykuz who have written and illustrated I…

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Apollo singing project

Year 3 were invited to perform in a concert at the Gresham Centre (St Anne & St Agnes Church) on the Tuesday 24th May. The concert is part of the Apollo singing project which the children have been working on in school. They have taken part in 4 workshops and learned various songs from around the…

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