Hackney Music Festival 2016

The Round Chapel recently hosted the annual ‘Hackney Music Festival’. St Mary’s made 3 fantastic appearances alongside many other Hackney schools.

The first group to attend was our Infant Choir, who remembered all the words and actions to 15 songs! They were amazingly well behaved and sang beautifully.  The Junior Choir performed the next day to a big audience of family and friends. They sang with such enthusiasm that the festival organisers complimented all St Mary’s children on their brilliant performances so far!  The last group to attend was our ensemble group made up of violins, keyboard and trombone, who played 3 pieces. Most of these children have only played for a year and were amazing! Again, all the audience loved it!

All the children who have been involved in the festival have really worked hard and really enjoyed themselves. They also enjoyed listening to the various special guest singers, groups and the other musical groups that performed.

A massive thank you to all the children and parents who attended the festivals.