
Year 5 Natural History Museum Trip

Year 5 visited the National History Museum for their topic called ‘Out of Africa’.  The pupils, staff and parent carers had a wonderful time.  It was a struggle getting the pupils to leave. In the workshop pupils worked in groups to perform their own fossil dig, uncovering mystery specimens from excavation boxes. Next, they observe…

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School Disco

The school disco was a real success, with everyone bogeying the evening away. We raised £485 which will contribute to the whole school end of year seaside trip. Thank you to all staff, friends of St. Mary’s and parents that offered their help. [gallery columns="6" ids="4108,4107,4106,4105,4104,4103,4097,4099,4100,4101,4102,4096,4095,4094,4093,4092,4091,4085,4086,4087,4088,4089,4090,4080,4081,4082,4083,4084"]

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World Book Day 2016

St. Mary’s celebrated world book day on Friday 4th March 2016. Everyone had a great time dressing up as their favorite book character and reading lots of books. Can you guess which character we have dressed up as? [gallery columns="4" ids="3999,3997,3996,3995,3994,3993,3992,3991,3990,3989,3988,3987,3986,3985,3984,3983,3982,3981,3980,3979,3978,3977,3976,3975,3974,3973,3972,3971,3970,3969,3968,3967,3966,3965,3964,3963,3962,3961"]

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Year 1 and Year 2 London Zoo Trip

Year 1 and year 2 visited London Zoo to learn all about animals. The pupils explored animal groups by investigating real animal hair, scales and feathers – from lions to crocodiles!  They used a variety of descriptive words to label the textures, colours and patterns they discovers, and found out how we can use these…

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Year 5 Trip

On Tuesday year 5 went to the Imperial War Museum to consolidate their learning on WW2. Imperial War Museums (IWM) is a British national museum organisation with branches at five locations in England, three of which are in London. Founded as the Imperial War Museum in 1917, the museum was intended to record the civil and…

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O2 Young Voices Concert

What an amazing time we all had at the O2 Young Voices Concert!  We got there at 2pm and began our rehearsals. As we practised our songs loads of special guests began to appear on stage; Lemar, Katy Melua, Ben Haenow and Laura Wright were all singing with us at the O2 ! There were…

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