Year 5 Natural History Museum Trip

Year 5 visited the National History Museum for their topic called ‘Out of Africa’.  The pupils, staff and parent carers had a wonderful time.  It was a struggle getting the pupils to leave.

In the workshop pupils worked in groups to perform their own fossil dig, uncovering mystery specimens from excavation boxes. Next, they observe and investigated bone structures to interpret the species their fossil came from.

The workshop was really enjoyed by all the pupils, they learnt more about using observations to draw conclusions and finding out how scientists use evidence, fossils, dinosaurs, carnivores and herbivores.

The school would like to thank the three parent/carers that attended as without them the trip would not have been possible.

Please see some video clips which were taken during the trip.

IMG_0217 from claire wood on Vimeo.

IMG_0202 from claire wood on Vimeo.

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IMG_0193 from claire wood on Vimeo.

IMG_0172 from claire wood on Vimeo.