
Sports Day

What a fantastic Sports Day was had by all, as we lathered up on the sun cream and raced our feet off, everyone thoroughly enjoyed the events. The winners this year were the Green Team, well done everyone. [gallery link="file" columns="4" size="large" ids="7001,7002,7003,7004,7005,7006,7007,7008,7009,7010,7011,7012,7013,7014,7015,7016,7017,7018,7019,7020,7021,7022,7023,7024,7025,7026,7027,7028,7029,7030,7031"]

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Faith in the community: Alevism

As part our our learning about different faiths, we learnt this week about Alevism. Alevi is the term used for a large number of heterodox Muslim Shi’a communities with different characteristics. Thus, Alevis constitute the largest religious minority in Turkey. Technically they fall under the Shi’a denomination of Islam, yet they follow a fundamentally different…

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Art Day

We celebrated Art day with lots of different activities taking place throughout the school. We learnt about different artists, designing, drawing, clay sculpturing, model making and lots more. Thank you to Ms Parkinson who visited year 6 to teach them about clay sculpturing and thank you to everyone who kindly donated items to be used…

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Danger Squad

Danger Squad is a new programme for school children which helps prepare students for emergency situations is being introduced in classrooms across London. It targets KS1 learners aged five to seven and teaches them how to correctly respond to emergency situations. The children in year 1 and 2 all took part in a fun and…

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Easter egg competition

This week the school and the PTFA held an Easter egg competition, the most creatively designed eggs won a prize. The winners were announced on Tuesday at the Easter church service. Well done to the winners and everyone for taking part, we raised £100 which will go towards much needed resources for the outside spaces…

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Science Week

Last week (13th – 17th March) was science week and we celebrated with lots of fun scientific learning activities. We dressed up as scientist and from other scientific professions. We learn’t more about specific areas of science from Mrs Lyons an Epidemiologist (a disease detective) and Mr De Haas a brain development researcher. We carried out lots…

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Music Performance

On Tuesday 14th and Wednesday 15th of March 2017 we enjoyed performances from the children who have been learning instruments in their music lessons, along with choir and drumming club. The children have all worked extremely hard this term, and really enjoyed performing to their audiences. [gallery link="file" columns="2" ids="6409,6410"] IMG_0022 from ST Marys on…

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Parents Maths Workshop March 2017

On Wednesday 1st March we held a maths workshop for parents / carers to enable parents / carers to have a better understanding of the maths curriculum and to be able to help their children with their homework. You can view the presentation below. Parent Maths Workshop March 2017

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