
Year 1 Phonics Workshop

As you may be aware all children in year 1 take a phonics test in June of each year.  In order to help parents / carers to support their child a phonics workshop for parents was held at the school on Monday 27th February. The slides and information from this workshop can be viewed below.…

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World Book Day

Can you guess which book character we are? [gallery columns="4" ids="6204,6203,6202,6199,6193,6194,6195,6196,6197,6198,6192,6191,6190,6189,6188,6187,6181,6182,6183,6184,6185,6186,6180,6179,6178,6177,6176,6175,6169,6170,6173,6174,6168,6167,6165,6162,6161,6160,6159,6158,6157,6156,6155,6153,6152,6151"]

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Autumn term house point winners are…….Red Team

The red team were the house point winners for the Autumn term. The pupils that were part of the red team were treated to an afternoon of fun activities. [gallery columns="6" link="file" ids="5987,5988,5989,5990,5991,5992,5993,5994,5995,5996,5997,5998,5999,6000,6001,6002,6003,6004"]   How house team points work – if a pupil shows exemplary behavior, helps someone else and has excellent attendance, they will…

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