
World Book Day

We all had a brilliant time on World Book Day. We were super impressed with the effort the children made with their costumes and had a fun filled day including taking part in a world book day fashion show, the children read to each other in class and took part in many activities related to…

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Design & Technology Week

Years 1 and 2 designed and made a model of a merry-go-round, fairground ride. We researched fairground rides and the different parts of a merry-go-round. Then we designed our ride with the colours and features that we wanted to include. After that we worked in small groups to make our merry-go-round. We cut out and…

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Valentines Day Baking Contest

To celebrate all the love at St Mary’s school, the PTFA held a valentines day baking contest. Our judges including Ms Richards, Ms Dean & Ms Kennedy as well as two year 6 pupils. After tasting all the yummy cakes and much debating, the winners were chosen. The winners include: Taste – Iman year 6…

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Prom Praise Workshop

On Wednesday 13th February 2019, year 4 & year 5 took part in a Prom Praise workshop, the workshop was held by the professional musician team of Prom Praise.  It is a really good way of not only connecting to cross-curricular subjects but most of all it helps to prepare pupils for the concert. When…

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Christmas Dinner & Christmas Jumper Day

We ate a delicious Christmas dinner on Wednesday 19th December, all staff helped to serve the dinner and we all wore our best Christmas jumpers! We would like to thank Ms Richards the school chef and the kitchen team for the yummy food and to all the staff for helping. We raised £47 as part…

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Christmas Fair

St Mary’s held their annual Christmas Fete on Friday 7th December, there was lots of fun Christmas activities and yummy food severed. The raffle was a big hit and there were lots of prizes to be won! We would like to thank the PTFA and staff who took the time to organise and run the…

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Christmas Cake Competition

Year 6 girls (Hannah, Renee, and Imogen) organised a cake competition for children across the school to enter. We had many entries. The kitchen staff, Mr Thompson and children from year 6 had the difficult task to judge, but judge they did – we had 3 categories, Novelty Surprise/Taste/Presentation. The winners were; Novelty Surprise -…

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