
Easter Bake Off

On Monday 23rd of March St. Mary’s held an Easter Bake Off, everyone was amazed by all the wonderful cakes produced. There were a lot of bunnies, chicks and even caterpillars made. Dilly from St. Mary’s Church and Lola from Spence Bakery got stuck in judging all the amazing cakes. Well done to all the…

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Year 3 Rio Cinema Trip

Year 3 went to the Rio Cinema in Dalton to see Earth to Echo on Wednesday 18th March 2015, for those of you that have not heard of this film it is a modern day ET. More about this film: Best friends Alex, Munch and Tuck are devastated when a highway construction project tears apart…

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Year 4 Zoo Trip

Year 4 visited London Zoo on Tuesday 17th March 2015. We got to see lots of different animals and enjoyed playing fun games. Frankie the frog came along too to ensure we were all on our best behaviour! [gallery columns="5" ids="2083,2082,2081,2080,2079"]  

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Year 2 Zoo Trip

Year 2 visited London Zoo on Thursday 5th March. We got to see lots of different animals and also got to touch a range of animal skins. We enjoyed investigating and finding out information about all the animals. [gallery columns="5" ids="2072,2071,2070,2069,2063,2064,2065,2066,2067,2068,2062,2061,2060,2059,2058,2057,2051,2052,2053,2054,2055,2056,2045,2046,2047,2048,2049,2050,2044,2043,2042,2041,2040,2039,2033,2034,2035,2036,2037,2038,2032,2031,2030,2029,2028,2021,2022,2023,2024,2025,2026,2020,2019,2018,2017,2016,2015,2009,2010,2011,2012,2013,2014,2008,2007,2006,2005"]      

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Year 2 London Adventure

Year 2 went on a London Adventure on 16th January starting with taking the bus, then the train, then the cable car over the thames where we had amazing views over London and could see the O2, then the ferry on the water went really fast but unfortunately we could not see any fish in the sea, then back…

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Festival of Triangles

We celebrated maths week with the Festival of Triangles which everyone including pupils, parents and teacher got involved with. On the Wednesday 11th of February the Maths on Toast company visited the school to get us making lots of different triangles and helped get our maths brains on! [gallery columns="5" ids="1803,1804,1805,1806,1807,1808,1809,1810,1811,1812,1813,1814,1815,1816,1817,1818,1819,1820,1821,1822,1823,1824,1825,1826,1827,1828,1829,1830,1831,1832,1833,1834,1835,1836,1837,1838,1839,1840,1841"]  

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Christmas Nativity

[gallery columns="5" ids="1504,1505,1506,1507,1508,1509,1510,1511,1512,1513,1514,1515,1516,1517,1518,1519,1520,1521,1522,1523,1524,1525,1526,1527,1528,1529,1530,1531,1532,1533,1534,1535"]

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Year 4 have been learning to Code with Scratch

  Take a look at the links below to see our projects!  

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Whole foods Schools to market project 2014

This term, year 4 are taking part in an exciting project with Whole Foods and the charity School Food Matters. The project aims to encourage every child to enjoy fresh sustainable food at school and know where their food comes from. The project has already involved the school setting up a vegetable patch and growing…

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