
Christmas Nativity

The Christmas Nativity ‘Shine Star Shine’ took place in St. Mary’s church on 15th December. Year 2 took centre stage to tell the Christmas story of  Jesus’ birth. The whole school sang such amazing songs and sounded wonderful. Well done to everyone that took part and to all the staff that helped. [gallery columns="5" ids="3466,3467,3468,3469,3470,3471,3472,3473,3474,3475,3476,3477,3478,3479,3480,3481,3482,3483,3484,3485,3486,3488,3489,3490,3491"]

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Christmas Carol Singing

Year 6 got everyone into the Christmas spirit in Canary Wharf singing their hearts out to Christmas carols. They raised a whopping £2000, this money will go towards much needed resources for the school to use. The school would like to thank Barclays for letting us sing at their headquarters, everyone involved and all those who donated.

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Christmas Fete 2015

St. Mary’s Christmas Fete was held on Friday 11th December. We had games, crafts, refreshments, competitions, an amazing raffle and of course…SANTA in his grotto. We would like to thank everyone that attended the fete, all staff and friends of St. Mary’s who helped make the event happen and local businesses and people that kindly made donations…

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School League Table

You will be please to know that St. Mary’s are top of the Hackney schools league table for our summer 2015 year 6 SATs results. This is a fantastic result and well done to St. Mary’s and all the teacher, staff and pupils. It was a joint effort and everyone worked really hard to achieve…

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World Book Day 2016

World Book Day is on Thursday 3rd March 2016 and to celebrate this day we will have a special assembly celebrating the children’s learning around books. Every class will be making a class book mark based on the book they are reading at the moment. During the day teachers will swap classes to share their favourite…

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International Day and Evening

It was International Day at St. Mary’s on Thursday 15th October, where we celebrated our similarities and differences. Many pupils dresses in their finest clothing and all looked amazing, activities took place through out the day to celebrate the day. [gallery columns="4" ids="3231,3230,3229,3228,3227,3226,3225,3218,3219,3220,3221,3222,3223,3224,3217,3216,3215,3214,3213,3212,3211,3204,3205,3206,3208,3209,3210"] In the evening we celebrated with lots of amazing yummy food. The school would…

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Harvest Festival

The school would like to thank everyone that contributed items for the Harvest festival. Contributions have been distributed to food banks in Hackney.  

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PGL Update October 2015

Year 6 school journey update – Tuesday 13th October 2015 Year 6 have had a fun afternoon, some children were zip-lining whilst others were rifle shooting or abseiling. Everyone is happy, safe and well but very hungry and ready for lunch. [gallery ids="3160,3159,3158"]    

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Macmillan Coffee Morning

We would like to thank everyone that donated and took park in the Macmillan coffee morning and cake sale, an amazing £240 was raised to go towards such an important cause.   [gallery ids="3008,3009,3010,3011,3012,3013,3014,3015,3016,3017,3018,3019"]

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