Can you help us raise funds for new books?

We want to provide our pupils with the best opportunities possible and we believe that reading is important to our children’s success in school. The school desperately needs reading books which the children can read for enjoyment and we want to develop a school library for all to share and enjoy, which will in turn develop our children’s passion for reading.

The selection of books in each classroom is currently significantly limited; with books that have been loved too much and a lot that are tangibly uninspiring. Most of the time, sadly, children are taking home books that have pages missing. It is a palpable issue across the school but something we do not have the funds for.

Can you help us raise funds for this great cause, or do you know any businesses that can donate to help us raise the much needed funds required for the school to provide quality reading books for all our children?

If you would like to help, donations can be made through Crowdfunder or at the school office.