
Nursery letter Autumn 1 2020

Autumn 2 Nursery Curriculum Information 2019

October 2019

Topic Learning

Children were reminded about the creation story, linked to our autumn topic, we talked about the seasons, how summer is main season for growth, and how when the growth has finished the harvest begins. We also discussed people who aren’t as lucky as us and do not have as much food as they need. And that’s why we collect food and hand it to the Church, using the food currently in the hall as an example. Afterwards the children created  fruit prints to celebrate the harvest and providing for the needy.

The children were reminded of the creation story where god created everything individually and in a unique way. The children were taken in small groups to listen for sounds of nature as well as signs of autumn, (which we have discussed in topic) afterwards the children used autumn objects to make their own, unique and individual pictures.

September 2019

RE Learning

Description: In this lesson we discussed that we all have things that are special to us, Mr Dale showed the children a picture of him when he was a child, with his favourite toy.  As well as pictures of his current favourite possession. In a circle using our class teddy Milo, we discussed what was special to us and why. Then we talked about what Christians believe is special to them. Afterwards the children drew and painted objects/ people that were of importance to them.


This lesson started with a recap of the story and discussion of individual days, afterwards the children helped to create a collage of the creation story, evidence of which  is on display in the hall.

The children were read the story of creation, this was discussed as a class with lots of reminders as to what happened on each day. The children were encouraged to act out the various stages of creation, before drawing pictures to represent light and dark.